購買服務注意事項__Terms and Conditions

購買服務注意事項__Terms and Conditions


1. 您必須年滿18歲或以上才能購買和預約解讀服務,如購買本網站的解讀療癒服務則代表您承認自己已年滿18歲或以上。

2. 不接受的問題包括:
3. 有關健康的問題是可以提問,但個案必須懂得如何對自己的健康負責。占卜、希塔療癒和阿卡西解讀是指引,不能代替醫療服務。

4. 本網站的解讀師有權利拒絕不適合做的占卜、解讀以及療癒。

5. 古鯨鳴時不對個案在解讀完成後所做的所有決定負責。

6. 占卜、希塔療癒和阿卡西指引是根據當下的您以及能量提供的。答案會因為您的思考以及行為變化而有所改變。所以請您運用您的自由意志做決定。

7. 本網站是先付全款,如果是語音通訊,確認訂單後會跟你預約時間解讀,如果是文字版的解讀,則會在確認訂單後1-5天工作天(週一至五)發送解讀報告。


    • 匯款報名成功後恕不退費或轉讓, 課程時間可做一次變更。如未能赴約第二次預約時間,視同使用1次解讀。
    • 可於約定日期的至少3天前通知改期/取消。例如:原約16日諮詢,個案請最晚於13(不含)前,Line/Whatsapp訊息通知。(恕不接受其他方式通知改期或取消,以免漏收通知)
    • 若於約定日期的前3天內通知改期,視同使用0.5次解讀,需要付完剩下的0.5次的費用,才會進行解讀/療癒服務
    • 如果您已付款但在當天未能赴約或提前確認赴約時間,解讀師不會主動聯絡您,所以請您提前主動聯絡,或記在行事曆上。
    • 預約當天未赴約者,視同使用1次解讀。



    • 如會遲到,請通知老師 (請勿以電郵通知),時數費用依原預約時間開始計算
    • 預約時段僅保留15分鐘,15分鐘內未通知,視同預約當天未到(視同使用1次解讀),並自動取消當日預約
    • 解讀師若需調整預約時間(很少),也會提早以訊息通知,故請諮詢前保持您的手機處於可接收訊息的狀態





    Terms and Conditions for Purchasing Services from AncientWhale

     1. You must be 18 years or older to purchase and schedule readings. By purchasing services from this website, you acknowledge that you are at least 18 years old.

    2. We do not accept questions about:

    Third parties (e.g., asking on behalf of others or about others)

    Death-related issues

    Legal matters (e.g., lawsuits, inheritance, contracts)

    3. Health-related questions are permitted, but clients must understand how to take responsibility for their own health. Divination, Theta Healing, and Akashic Record readings provide guidance and cannot replace medical services. The healing and readings mentioned in the services do not constitute any medical acts, and Ancient Whale does not assume legal responsibility for all healing and readings. If you feel unwell, it is recommended to seek professional medical assistance.

    4. The reader on this website reserves the right to refuse any unsuitable divination, reading, or healing. Ancient Whale is not responsible for any decisions made by the client after the reading is completed. 

    5. Divination, Theta Healing, and Akashic guidance are provided based on your current self and energy. Answers may change due to your thoughts and actions. Please use your free will to make decisions.

     6. This website requires full payment upfront. For phone call communications, dates and time will be scheduled after confirming the order. For written readings, the report will be sent within 1-5 business days (Monday to Friday) after order confirmation.


    Rescheduling, Cancellation, and No-shows

    • Once payment is made, no refunds or transfers are allowed. You can reschedule the appointment once. If you miss the second appointment, it will be considered as one used reading. Notify rescheduling or cancellation at least 3 days before the appointment date. For example, if the appointment is on the 16th, notify by the 13th at the latest (excluding the 13th). Notify via Line/WhatsappNo other informing methods are accepted to avoid missed notifications.).
    •  If you notify rescheduling within 3 days before the appointment, it will be considered as using 0.5 times of the reading. You must pay the remaining 0.5 times fee before the service continues.
    • If you have paid but cannot attend the appointment or confirm the appointment time, the reader will not contact you proactively. Please contact in advance or note it in your calendar. If you miss the appointment, it will be considered as one used reading.

     Late Arrivals

    • If you will be late, notify the reader (do not use email). The time will be calculated from the original appointment start time. The appointment will be held for 15 minutes. If no notification is received within 15 minutes, it will be considered as a no-show (one used reading) and the appointment will be canceled automatically.
    • If the reader needs to adjust the appointment time (rarely), they will notify you in advance via message. Please ensure your phone is able to receive messages before the consultation.


    By purchasing courses and services from this website, you acknowledge and agree to the above terms.
